Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ch- Ch- Changes

The good thing I learned last week is that I am not going through the 'change'. Good news but also means my hormones are unstable and unpredictable and affect my moods drastically. So far I am normal lately, whatever that means.

The next change is my baby girl turned 8 on Friday. Really, 8 years old, just yesterday I was having this child who could not wait to come into the world so she came as a preemie and now she is 8 and healthy, happy, and growing so fast. Big milestones for her are she knows Jesus, she reads extremely well and she is JUST like her father! I love that!

The final change is my parents leaving for Florida and seeing them for the last time until February (I have to say that out loud to spell it). What a joy to have them here for Christmas on Saturday with my brother and his wife and his 4 kids and my grandma! We celebrated birthdays (4 in one week), Thanksgiving (the turkeys and gravy were fabulous), and Christmas. We laughed as the kids played and entertained us, talked about old times, and caught up on what was going on now. I got to have lunch with my mom and dad on Monday alone and will miss my parents, my friends, but know that they have good friends in Florida and what they like the most NO SNOW. God is good and lets us talk and 'see' each other on the Internet and we get to travel down there and be with them for a week.

Change, I am getting used to it!


Jessica said...

I sometimes clap out the syllables to the word FEB RU ARY!

Unknown said...

Yes change is difficult. I don't like all the changes happening around my house but need to realize that that is part of God's plan.