Thursday, February 28, 2013

Be Careful Little Ears What You Hear

So I love music.  I really love most kinds of music and do not pay much attention to who is singing or sometimes words (oops!).  I have learned some info that I do not know if it is true or not but now understand that I need to be a bit more informed about what I am listening to. 
Most people in the world are not going to think like me or believe what I believe.  I need to live with them and that fact.  I am sure what I read on the internet could be true or very well be a lie but I need to have these conversations with my kids and help them to understand not to idolize people.  I never did that as a kid.  The singers I really liked I never learned about their families. I did not know what they thought was cool and I think I am teaching my kids to look away a bit too.
The artist I am talking about is Beyonce.  I love her voice.  I think she is very pretty.  I know she is very wealthy, but I think she may be into things that I should never associate with so she is off my play list.  Lesson learned.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Manic Monday

What a strange day! Can not believe that I have such a strange life more to come...