Thursday, October 13, 2011

This Is How We Do It

I am doing great. If you ask me that is what I will say and it is the truth. I am great when I don't have to think about how weak I am. Not physically weak, but emotionally. My life is going in the right direction. I DO like my new job. I AM happy that I have made this change. It is only when I walk back into my old job that I am not well.

So this is how I need to deal with this. I need to focus on the fact that I am going to live for my family in that area of my life. I need to give it all to continue to make the effort and let God show me some love in this area and work on my dissapointment. That is all I can do. I hope it works.

So glad tomorrow is Friday night date night! Need it right now!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

You Are My Sunshine

Sun is great. Although it does not solve all things. I have questions, such as...

  • How do I trust people after they have proven to be untrustworthy?

  • Why do people think you are supposed to just get over things immediately?

  • Am I wrong for not being able to get past things?

  • Can I be happy and not be content?

  • Why are my kids smarter than me?

  • Am I really getting old enough to lose memory cells?

  • Could aging help me get over things?

  • What was my point?

Yes, these and many questions are bouncing around in random order in my cranium. I don't think I will get answers but any suggestions would be great.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Your My Inspiration

Many people have inspired me in my life as of late. The wife who is losing her husband to ALS and blogging about how God is working in her life. The man who is fighting cancer after it returned after 5 years and continues to be hopeful. The woman who will live with cancer until she dies from something else and can still see the good that is on this earth. The mom who is homeschooling her 4 kids and pregnant with her 5th and still has energy to be a great friend. The newly married couple who is struggling to make it by and all they need is love right now.

I am inspired. I am reminded by how good life is and how I take it for granted and then stomp on it and whine and cry that I deserve so much more. I have done that for most of this year. Not all the time but have dealt badly with disappointment, expecting life to be easier, more Brenda friendly. My perspective at that time was my reality and now I see that it wasn't always true, ok maybe not true at all at times.

Thanks friends for the inspiration, hopefully one day I can return the gift.