Monday, May 30, 2011

Where the Stars and Stripes and the Eagle Fly

I know that this country has it's many flaws but we have some great freedoms. One, I get to worship my God in public, not in secret. Two, I get raise my kids to love Jesus and don't have to have a government tell me how to raise them. Three, I can disagree with my government and not be persecuted, put in jail or killed for my opinion, particularly as a woman this is great.
I could go on and I am sure there are those that disagree with me, but this is how I feel about our country. I don't think it is chosen or set apart from any other country but I am glad for it's freedoms that I have. I am blessed by those who have served to keep those freedoms and protected us from those who would want to take them away or make us all one people that are superior in their opinion. I am thankful and blessed and off to picnic on this Memorial Day.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

These are few of my Favorite Things

If Oprah can do it so can I. I think our things will differ. :)

* I love my room and often hide watching something on my computer.
* I love people watching (State Fair being my fave).
* I love being alone in a crowd.
* I have enjoyed having people over again and having fun. This is an on and off again favorite as I grow older and less wanting to be vulnerable with people.
* I love my kids. This stage has been great but I am getting teary talking about this being the last year before my oldest goes to college away from home.
* I love my husband, every day, more and more. I love how he is aging and maturing and watching him see where God is calling him. I love it.

Right now these are my faves. When they change you may see a new list.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I LOVE to SING! I am not the best but I love it. I wish I had that voice that could go all out but I don't and this is something I just know and don't feel bad about. I wonder why I am so hard on myself in other ways. I can't just accept who I am and my short comings in so many ways(ok I don't mean I can't accept that I am short, but my flaws.).
God has been working in my life and showing me how to be humble, how to be broken, how to let go. Hard stuff. I don't like the hard stuff. Can someone tell me how to move on from failure? How to just really let it go, let it stay in the past where it belongs?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011