Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'll Be There For You

On Sunday night I went to my friends house for dinner. I have been friends with this lady for 22 years or more. We were talking and all of sudden she hums something and says 'Do you remember this song?'. I hum it back and said I would find the words for it on the internet, some old song we must have roller skated to or something. My son watched and said 'You two are really strange' and proceeded to make fun us by humming. I am excited to see him have the same interactions with his friends, when you don't have to say anything and you know what they are thinking or you hear something and you remember the time and you just bust out laughing.

I love that I still connect with friends I have had for more than 20 years. My husband is one of them. We met with 4 other life long friends on Saturday for dinner and so enjoyed food and conversations and relaxation. What a gorgeous evening!

Never was a twenty something with no kids meeting my friends at the coffee shop, but love that I still meet up with my friends and enjoy their company. God is so good!

1 comment:

-V- said...

God IS so good. And, I think it says something about you to have had friendships for that long in life... We tend to say and do stupid, arrogant stuff when we're young. (At least I did - and, heck, still do). :-) So, you know you're looking at a picture of patience, forbearance, and genuine respect/affection when you witness such long-term friendships. Sure enjoyed hanging with you guys the other night and hope to do it again soon - let us know when you get a firm date for November - besides Thanksgiving, I don't think we have a ton going on that weekend. Blessings, friend!