Monday, August 17, 2009

Man, I Feel Like a Woman

Ok, I have to say I don't miss my monthly, my uterus, icky stuff, but I do miss knowing when the moods are going to hit. I know it could be many things but my body still tells me when the cysts happen in a very painful unhappy manner so I must be on some schedule.

Here is what I am trying to do:
  • Cherish each moment! Not forget that this is a once in a lifetime moment - all of them!
  • Love like Christ and for the first time that includes myself. I always forget to love myself.
  • Be honest with my feelings and hopefully have better communication.
  • Pray and listen to God, not only in His Word but through the Holy Spirit. How often am I just still?

The above is not in order of importance but in order of what was typed first. Someday I will be that organized or probably not.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

I like the cherish each moment as once in a lifetime...I needed to "hear" that today.