Sunday, August 9, 2009

Don't Take the Girl

So, back in February we went on airboat rides. It had to be divided 3 and 4, my parents were with us so Ashley, Gracie and Steve went in one and we were in the other. This is the first time it happened. The man eluded to the fact that Steve and Ashley were married and Gracie was their kid. I thought it absurd, one man's opinion. It has happened a bit since then. I must look like the Mexican nanny or something, not sure.
Yesterday we had a very impromptu 2 hour garage sale and a lady came up and told Ashley that she had teenagers if she ever need someone to watch her kids (Gracie and Mikey). She thought Ashley was 30 years old and when Ashley told her she was 14 she could not believe it. Does Ashley look that old? I know she does not act it, either do I for that matter but I think she dresses like a teen, doesn't she?


Rachel said...

Wow, that seems crazy, Brenda. Maybe it's our youth obsessed culture that makes people interpret a 14 year old as a 30 something. That blows me away.

Unknown said...

All I can say is what? I know Ashley is very mature when I see her but hopefully I wouldn't mistake her for being 30. Although, I don't really feel in my thirties. And when I have seen her with her siblings she is very kind and loving. BTW, she gave me a very nice compliment about the dress I was wearing at church yesterday. And it wasn't just "nice dress." You and Steve have done a wonderful job raising Ashley. I can only hope my boys will be half as polite as her.

Suzanne said...

Crazy. The sun was blinding everyone....that's my guess.