Wednesday, April 8, 2009

If I Had a Million Dollars

What would you do with a million dollars? Right now stay sane, but really I would love to be able to help out friends who are desperate, be debt free, buy clothes for my kids anytime they needed it, and give a lot away. Really it might be harder, more greatness in anything means more responsibility.

No money won't buy me happiness but sure would make things easier. I am so glad I don't have to make the money decisions and that Steve is so great at that.

Other thoughts are I am getting old, can money buy more brain power? I am so random and not able to remember things but I can't wait until my 35th birthday! May, here I come and sun and warmth! Yeah summer!

1 comment:

Design Blog said...

Don't worry being 35 is not that bad. I think my brain is working better now then it did when I was 34. ;)

I know how you feel. I would LOVE to find a full time job so that the work that I do as a freelance designer could be used to filinthopically help others in need. :)