I have been so self involved lately. Oh poor Brenda, life's so hard! I have not seen outside myself to realize that many other people are dealing with way more than me, for much longer and need support, love and understanding. I almost feel like I have been numb for the last three weeks. Walking around, doing life and not feeling anything. I have not been depressed or too anxious (maybe getting anxious).
I do believe that world is so affected by the weather. It is something we all have in common and most of us need to see sunshine and warmth after a long winter. I see so much more positive attitudes around me.
My goal now is to focus on the other people that God has put in my life and to help when I can. To figure out what I can do with what comes my way daily and not do any long-term planning as it only gets complicated. To be happy that I have a healthy family, a home and lots of love. To be thankful everyday!
Its so hard to see outside ourselves somtimes. For example today, I watched two extra preschoolers for my friend who is on bedrest. It was challenging at times. I constantly had to remind myself that this is a lot harder for her than me. And now that she is at the hospital, hopefully, not having further contractions. I feel guilty for being ready for these kids to go home. I again keep telling myself that this is hte least I can do in this situation. Anyway Im so there right with you on this!
brenda, you are such a genuinely sweet person. and hilarious. i know that's a hard combo, but you do it so well. thanks for being real.
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