Friday, February 26, 2010

If You Don't Know Me By Now

My trip was very instrumental in helping me see who I have become. The journey God has allowed me to have has been challenging and fun all wrapped up in one. I know my flaws so much more than my strengths but really got to find one of my gifts in Florida.

My gift is hospitality in the sense that I bring people together. I include and invite and arrange for people to gather whether at my house or not and have fun and usually food. :) Probably not a revelation to many but something I needed, a definition for myself in a way.

For those who don't know I am part Mexican and Sioux Indian, but raised Scandinavian. I forget myself sometimes that others see me as a Latina. I remembered when I was in Florida and the response from others of my nationality was much different towards me than to my white friends. Some good stories there, ask someone who went they will be very willing to share.

1 comment:

M Hastings said...

I ran across your blog and thought your comments were rather poignant.

It's so important to know what we consider important, and how we identify ourselves. And the gift of hospitality is such a lovely one to have!