Thursday, November 12, 2009

I Don't Want to Work, I just Want to Bang on the Drum all Day

No, I am not trying to play hooky from work or dislike my job as an administrative assistant although this week I have been fighting a low grade fever/cold and am extremely tired but I digress.

I am talking about my other 'jobs'. Not the cleaning lady that I a sometimes am at home or the wife/companion I am to Steve or the cook that sometimes works at The Chermak Deli. I am talking about how much work it is to be a friend sometimes and a mother and managing time for 3 other people and knowing when to let go (that has been the one I have been wanting to give up for the drums the most!).

Not many read this so if I think you might be reading this I am not typing about our friendship. I don't like to work at something that someone isn't willing to work on with me. For instance, my phone rings and after months of me doing all the calling, I will give up on calling. If you are too busy to talk or email I do not understand that. I know I don't have little kids anymore but I still have 3 children who need things, need to get to places. I don't call to chat with people since I went back to work 3 years ago with the exception of my mother and my sister in law, Wendy.

So, another tangent that has nothing to do with anything is the word 'busy'. Steve and I have had something every night and so have the kids and we are busy, but not overwhelmed and I think that if someone needed us or wanted to spend time with us we would work it in. To hear you are so BUSY that you can't return a phone call or an email is so frustrating. I had a dream about a 'friend' who was too busy to return a phone call last month and this why this tangent is brought up. It is no one that reads this or really uses a computer.

Second, I wanted to QUIT my job as mother this week. I was failing at it, I did a bad job of training, I was very emotional and just wanted to pack up and move to St. Louis, alone. I am better now, but that job sometimes needs a more qualified employee. I know God picked me for that job and I will not quit it, but sometimes I wish I was there for the training meetings.

Ok, enough whining! Loved the weather this week! Love that Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming. Sad my parents leave for Florida soon! Ready for what God brings next, at least I have a great partner to weather the storms if they come! :)

1 comment:

Dana said...

I'm busy AND overwhelmed ;)

And yes ... this November weather has been so pleasant!!!