Sunday, December 28, 2008

We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise

What am I willing to sacrifice? Would I give it all up and be able to trust God? Could I really do what Abraham did with his son and bring him to the altar if God asked? I can barely follow the simple things would I be able to follow the hard and have faith that God knows what He is doing?

I need to work on believing that all things are according to God's plan even when every human part of me doubts. I need to sacrifice the things that are important - the time, busy is a choice, the money, God has always provided, the house, it is not mine but God's, my children, they are not just here for me to protect, but to be witnesses for God and to serve Him also, my husband, his time and his decisions are directed from God.

Comfort and those things that are comfortable are not the only choices I should make but whatever God leads me to do! This is what I will work on, probably for the rest of my days, but starting today is good.

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