Saturday, December 6, 2008

Rocking Around the Christmas Tree

Had a ton of fun at the Merit Electric Company party last night. It was held this year at Treasure Island Resort and Casino and the hotel is awesome. Steve's company offers a hotel room for the night, feeds us dinner and then entertains us into the wee hours of the morning. This year we learned to play blackjack with fake money and then the top 6 of the night won wonderful prizes. I was third and Steve was sixth and we came home with great prizes. After that they booked lanes for us to bowl and it was so fun! We did not stay until 2:30 am like most but we bowled a game and enjoyed sleeping in and hung around Red Wing until after lunch and picked up the kids.

It is somewhat strange to be so sheltered as I am. I work at a church, socialize with most people that attend church and don't see the 'real' world much. This company is a glimpse for me and the cool thing is as we are getting older we all seem to mature. (I am trying to at least!:P) It was loud and different language and different conversations but way fun!

Steve has been there for 10 years now and we have grown to love the family owned business he works for as part of ours. They gave him a gift last night to Grand Superior Lodge for being there for 10 years and no he did not make a speech but was grateful, not only for the gift but for the job and for the party and for the family that is keeping him with a job.

I took no pictures so no one will get to see my dress that was so fun to wear, but you can come and look at it hanging up if you like!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No picture of you in your awesome bargain dress? Will you wear it to church sometime at least? Missed you at Manrodt's but glad you had such a great time. Aren't 'real world' parties interesting?