Thursday, October 8, 2009

Living in a Material World

So, I was thinking about how I did not like the cheap toilet paper I bought. I bought it because it was cheap and my family deserves better toilet paper. I actually thought this, about how MY family deserves a great quality toilet paper. Not how my family needs water, food, shelter, cars, entertainment. No because we have all these things but on top of all that we need the toilet paper that those bears have on tv. What a world. I know we have to sometimes think about meaningless, non-Christ centered things, but a lot of my time is wasted by junk, stuff, luxury.

That makes me laugh. I have never lived the glamorous lifestyle. I love that I can even be considered middle class after being on welfare for a few years. But I do live in luxury. I do have it great. Prov. 22:1-2 God is good!

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