Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Thank you for giving to the Lord!

Today I went to the funeral of the founder of New Life, the school I attended from 6th grade to graduation, the place I met my husband, some of my best friends, and learned to the love the Lord more and more. It was surreal as my old choir director was up on stage singing and many faces of teachers and friends from the past were there also.

His two sons spoke about losing their dad and then they both went on to say that Christ was his life. He shared his faith with everyone. I remember many a choir concert listening to his Darth Vader voice as he gave the invitation.

My life would be very different without this man following his heart to start a church and school. I am challenged to thank people in life for what they have done. My prayers are for the family!

1 comment:

-V- said...

A fond goodbye to Pastor Weins for now... Looking forward to hearing that Vader voice again when we go to join him!