Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Walk the Line

Steve gave me this song in my card for V-day and I love this song. My friends daughter loves Johnny Cash and I just think it is so cute.

I am thinking of this song because the movie is on right now, but also this is how I am feeling. I need to walk the line in life a lot. I need to constantly keep track of how I am acting and so forth.

I have a wonderful cold so I am out of sorts today and it has been a yucky day for me, but because of Christ I need to walk the line.


Rachel said...

Bren, I hope you feel better soon! G didn't throw her food after dinner tonight, so we let her listen to Johnny Cash--the ultimate reward for her these days!

-V- said...

Oh my gosh - listening to Johnny Cash as a reward?!? No wonder she and Ed clicked so well... :-)

Yes, Bren - hoping you feel better soon!