Sunday, September 8, 2013

Gunpowder and Lead

There have been some things that have been disturbing me lately.  Some actions by those around me, some lack of love and commitment and I go to my angry place.  These people are not close to me and I can not help those that are affected by there actions but I can pray.

God's grace and forgiveness is what I want to be like and I FAIL A LOT.  I want to fix this!  I want those people to not feel like nothing and the children that are involved to know that they have nothing to do with what the adults around them are doing.  Life is hard.  Marriage is hard and letting God work through all of the sin in the world is hard to comprehend.  I know He is in control.  I need to rest there and not take it into my own hands.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Hey, we all fail a lot. Praying is effective for us and those we are praying for. Marriage IS hard but I recently read a statement: We need to stop telling God how big our problems are and start telling our problems how big our God is! So there you go! It works for us and it works for the people you are praying for. Love you Brenda!