Friday, July 27, 2012

My Heart Will Go On

I am sad. Not physically or even emotionally but mentally sad at how cruel and angry this world can be. The Colorado tragedy made me remember how I am choosing to not live in fear. After 9/11 it was really hard for Ashley or me to get her back on a plane to see her biological dad. Even today I saw a plane touching down at MSP and wondered if it was going to be used as a weapon. After Columbine I had to be ok with my kids going to school, knowing something could always happen. I don't think I will feel the same way about movie theaters but you never know. Then I go on facebook/twitter really anywhere and people are arguing about a company that does not even exist in MN. Most are arguing as people outraged over their freedom to have values. Some are arguing about not really offending people they would never be associated with. Most just like to hear themselves speak. (I laugh at this as I am typing to get my thoughts out but know it is just like talking to myself. :)) It seems so stupid. No, I am not calling people stupid this argument is stupid. I see people who have been forgotten everyday. Not just by their kids, or their ex spouses, but by the government and by humankind. That makes me sad. I feel I always have to end everything with a happy note so I will do the same right now. Vacation starts on Monday!!! Other than the Olympics maybe I will stay disconnected too and take a vacation from my problems, doubt it but maybe worth a try.

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