Thursday, March 31, 2011

These Thousand Hills

I have this tape from high school . Our car still has a tape deck so I play it sometimes. It is 'Jacob's Trouble'. I really like this group and my daughter thinks they are old fashioned but when she listens she gets why I like it. Whenever I play it I think of the boy from high school who got me interested in alternative Christian music. The boy, or man now, who just lost his wife. I pray that he still listens to them. I listened to his band on MySpace and could not believe that I still had a MySpace account. He wrote songs to his daughter who died, my heart breaks for him. My brother in law lost his first wife and we talk about her sometimes. He still wonders why she died so young. These thoughts, these emotions are not easy to sort out. I know God is in control and He does things to His glory, but wish He would write on the wall and tell people why. I know that is what faith is, to believe in things we can not see, can not understand, but some people have it so much harder than me. I really was in a low place due to life changes and my need to be happy, satisfied, needed, the list goes on. I have perspective now.

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